13.5 Maintenance régulière

Après un an, il faut mettre à jour le certificat de sécurité :

TODO: adapter ce scrit.

# Place sdd_umons_ac_be.cer|key in /etc/ssl/private. It seems both keys do not match:
sudo openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.cer | openssl md5
sudo openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.key | openssl md5
# Maybe the PKCS#7 format is correct? So, the .crt with that format can be converted this way:
sudo openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.crt -out /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem -outform PEM
sudo chmod o-r /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem
sudo openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem | openssl md5
# Now, this is correct!

# Update the certificate: I receive a .zip file with both sdd_umons_ac_be.key and sdd_umons_ac_be.cer.
# These files must be placed into /etc/ssl/private on the sdd server:
# From MacOS
scp ~/Desktop/sdd_certs_2021.zip econum@sdd.umons.ac.be:/data1/dump/cert.zip
# Create .pem file that invert the order of the 4 certificates from the .cer file, then...
scp ~/Desktop/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem econum@sdd.umons.ac.be:/data1/dump/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem
# From sdd
sudo ls -l /etc/ssl/private
sudo mv /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.cer /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.cer.old
sudo mv /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.key /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.key.old
unzip /data1/dump/cert.zip
rm /data1/dump/cert.zip
sudo mv sdd_umons_ac_be.* /etc/ssl/private
sudo chown root:root /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.cer
sudo chown root:root /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.key
sudo chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.cer
sudo chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.key
sudo mv /data1/dump/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem
sudo chown root:root /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem
sudo chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/sdd_umons_ac_be.pem

Mise à jour de R et RStudio Connect (exemple d’&ncien script à adapter et expliciter) :

# Current RStudio Connect is
ls /opt/R # See R versions already installed (3.4.4, 3.5.3, 3.6.3)
export R_VERSION=4.0.5
curl -O https://cdn.rstudio.com/r/ubuntu-1804/pkgs/r-${R_VERSION}_1_amd64.deb
sudo gdebi r-${R_VERSION}_1_amd64.deb
/opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/R --version # verification
sudo ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/R /usr/local/bin/R
sudo ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/Rscript /usr/local/bin/Rscript
# Install R package
sudo R
repos <- getOption("repos")
repos["CRAN"] <- "https://mran.microsoft.com/snapshot/2021-05-17"
options(repos = repos)
options(timeout = 300)


install.packages(c("tidyverse", "shiny", "bookdown", "data.table", "glue",
"here", "mongolite", "keras", "pastecs", "mlearning", "usethis", "testthat",
"covr", "sessioninfo", "reticulate", "remotes", "devtools", "knitr",
"latticeExtra", "inline", "Hmisc", "gridExtra", "gridGraphics", "ggsci",
"ggpubr", "GGally", "ggplotify", "ggrepel", "cowplot", "fs", "forcats", "purrr",
"R6", "RColorBrewer", "Rcpp", "anytime", "zoo", "assertthat", "bench", "hms",
"lubridate", "rsconnect", "RSQLite", "sos", "styler", "vctrs", "viridis",
"viridisLite", "withr", "xts", "igraph", "pryr", "proto", "renv", "tsibble",
"SciViews", "svMisc", "svGUI", "svDialogs", "extraDistr", "SuppDists", "lobstr",
"import", "miniUI", "vegan", "shinydashboard"))

BiocManager::install(c("graph", "ComplexHeatmap", "Rgraphviz",
  "RDRToolbox"), update = FALSE, ask = FALSE)

remotes::install_github("SciViews/mlearning@v1.0.6", force = TRUE)
# Fails! remotes::install_github("SciViews/tcltk2@v1.3.0", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("SciViews/svMisc@v1.2.0", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("SciViews/svGUI@v1.0.1", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("SciViews/svDialogs@v1.0.3", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("SciViews/svSweave@v1.0", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("SciViews/flow@v1.1.0", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("SciViews/data.io@v1.3.0", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("SciViews/chart@v1.3", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("SciViews/SciViews@v1.1.1", force = TRUE)

remotes::install_github("phgrosjean/pastecs@v1.4.0", force = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("phgrosjean/aurelhy@v1.0.8", force = TRUE)


# Warning in svbox2021, we don't use learndown anymore, but learnitdown instead!

# Check and update license
sudo /opt/rstudio-connect/bin/license-manager status
# (re)activate license
sudo /opt/rstudio-connect/bin/license-manager deactivate 
sudo /opt/rstudio-connect/bin/license-manager activate YAG3-B2H5-MXQB-6HJS-E7WH-4G9Y-JITA
sudo systemctl restart rstudio-connect

# Upgrade RStudio Connect to version 
curl -Lo rsc-installer.sh https://cdn.rstudio.com/connect/installer/installer-v1.9.1.sh
sudo -E bash ./rsc-installer.sh

Installation d’une nouvelle version de Python :

sudo mkdir /opt/python
sudo curl -fsSL -o /opt/python/miniconda.sh https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh 
sudo chmod 755 /opt/python/miniconda.sh
sudo /opt/python/miniconda.sh -b -p /opt/python/miniconda

export PYTHON_VERSION="3.8.5"

sudo /opt/python/miniconda/bin/conda create --quiet --yes \
      --prefix /opt/python/"${PYTHON_VERSION}" \
      --channel conda-forge \
      python="${PYTHON_VERSION}"  "pip<20.1"

# Check
/opt/python/"${PYTHON_VERSION}"/bin/python --version

Installation de packages Python supplémentaires :

sudo /opt/python/"${PYTHON_VERSION}"/bin/pip install altair beautifulsoup4 cloudpickle \
  cython dask gensim keras matplotlib nltk numpy pandas pillow pyarrow \
  requests scipy scikit-image scikit-learn scrapy seaborn spacy sqlalchemy \
  statsmodels tensorflow xgboost

# Add python to the system path (optional)
# add PATH=/opt/python/"${PYTHON_VERSION}"/bin:$PATH in /etc/profile.d/python.sh

# Make Python available as Jupyter Kernel (optional)
#sudo /opt/python/${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/pip install ipykernel
#sudo /opt/python/${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/python -m ipykernel install --name py${PYTHON_VERSION} --display-name "Python ${PYTHON_VERSION}"

# Make Python available to reticulate
nano ~/.Rprofile # Add Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "/opt/python/3.8.5/bin/python")