All functions


Summarize and check evaluation grids for the learnitgrid Shiny app


Make proper Rmd/Qmd chunk labels from strings for parsermd::parse_rmd()

copy_cache() CC()

Copy data cache from a reference folder into an RStudio project


Make sure that Rmd/Qmd chunk labels are written without spaces


Create a context object for a correction set

df_structure() digest() object_attr() object_part() object_str()

Transformation functions for creating reference or result objects for testing progress of the students in their project.

dir_path_create() dir_path_check() file_path_check()

Make sure a directory exists, or create it

encrypt_solutions() decrypt_solutions() set_key()

Encrypt solution files into files


Summarize the git stats for one or more git repositories


Configure Knitr to generate a .Last.chunk object


Install an extended example dataset to try the learnitgrid Shiny application

is_identical_to_ref() is_equal_to_ref() is_rendered() is_rendered_current() is_data() is_data_df() has_labels_all() has_labels_any() has_units_all() has_units_any() is_display_equation() is_display_param_equation() is_inline_equation() is_inline_param_equation()

Functions to be used in testthat test of the project

link_to_www() www_relative()

Create symbolic links under www subdirectory or strip www subdirectory from the path

make_ref() read_ref()

Create or read reference files for tests

make_test() make_clean() make_original() make_solution() make_prepare()

Run action of a MAKEFILE from R


Computes the content of a DT::datatable for a correction set


Prepare files for original or solution version


Create a testthat reporter suitable to test projects

record_res() read_res() write_res() RO() RN() RODFS() RNDFS() ROMD5() RNMD5() ROP() RNP() ROA() RNA() ROSTR() RNSTR()

Record, read and write results that capture given characteristics of an object


Run the learnitgrid Shiny application

select_answer() obfuscate() get_word()

A simple multiple choice system in a R chunk, compatible with git and R Markdown or Quarto documents

switch_to_original() switch_to_solution() switch_to_last_saved() save_as_original() save_as_solution()

Switch to a given version of the document or save such a version


Test a project directory, possibly limit the number of uses