Run the learnitgrid Shiny application
run_grid(data_dir = getOption("", NULL))
The directory containing the 'learnitgrid' data. If missing,
the "" option is used. If ""
, the small example
dataset in this package is used.
Nothing is returned, the function is used for its side-effect of running the learnitgrid Shiny application.
if (FALSE) {
# Run a basic example in the learnitgrid package
# Please, note that the .Rmd reports that are analyzed in this example
# are NOT included to save space, hence, error messages in corresponding
# columns of the evaluation grids.
# Install an extended example in tempdir() (inspect its content)
install_grid_example(browse = TRUE)
# ... and run the app with it
# The .Rmd reports are included in this example.