The {learnitgrid} package implements an application to ease the correction of projects where students have to complete R scripts, R Markdown or Quarto documents. The correction is done by using evaluation grids (or rubrics).

The application is started with run_grid(). You have to provide the directory where the data is stored (with subdirectories for templates, repos and corrections, TODO: detailed explanations of the data structure).

If you do not provide any directory, a small package example is used with run_grid(""). No R Markdown document is provided in this example. So, you can only see the evaluation grid, but not the items that are evaluated.

You can also install a larger example dataset in your temporary directory and inspect it to see how you have to organize your data:

# Decompress the example dataset in a temporary directory and inspect it
install_grid_example(browse = TRUE)

The path to these data is set in the “” option. You read it with:


Finally, you start the learnitgrid Shiny application with:

Of course, you are supposed to use it with your own data. The provided examples allow to play with the app and get used to its interface.