• Functions required to run projects and test that are added.
  • An extended example dataset is added (compressed in the package, but can be easily uncompressed using install_example()).

  • The run_grid() function is added to easily run the learnitgrid Shiny application.

  • Adding support for Quarto .qmd files.

  • New option docs_on_github to specify the location of the documents for the links. It is TRUE by default, which corresponds to previous behavior (i.e., links to GitHub files). If FALSE, the links will be to local files, except for “repo” and the subdirectory).

  • Several package dependencies are eliminated.
  • Repo transferred to learnitr.
  • Renamed (from shiny_assess) and partly refactored.

  • Second tab by grid added.

  • Use a correction repository and check R objects (to be finished).

  • Allow for bonus points (max = 0 and score higher than max in this case).
  • Adjustment for teams + use of _corr.Rmd version.
  • Versions 0.1.0 - 0.4.0: initial concept and code.