
Shiny applications can be embedded in certain R Markdown documents. However, the application is automatically loaded at the same time as the main page, and that may not be the desired behavior. With launch_shiny(), you display just a screenshot of the Shiny application in the page. The user has to click on it to actually launch the application (that replaces the screenshot on the page).

  app = sub("\\?.+$", "", basename(url)),
  imgdir = "images/shinyapps",
  img = paste0(imgdir, "/", app, ".png"),
  createimg = TRUE,
  width = 780,
  height = 500,
  fun = NULL,
  alt1 = "*Click to start the Shiny application.*",
  alt2 = paste0("*Click to start",
    "or [run `{run.cmd}`]({run.url}{run.arg}){{target=\"_blank\"}}.*"),
  toc = "",
  toc.def = "Shiny application {app}",
  run.url = "start_rstudio.html?runrcode=",
  run.cmd = glue("{fun}(\"{app}\")"),
  run.arg = URLencode(run.cmd, reserved = TRUE),
  app.img = "images/list-app.png",
  app.link = "shiny_app",



The URL of the Shiny application. If both app = and baseurl = are provided, you don't need to specify it.


Name of the shiny application (cannot be duplicated on a page).


The directory without trailing "/" where images relative to Shiny applications are stored. By default, it is relative to current directory, in images/shinyapps subdirectories.


The relative or absolute path to the image with a screenshot of the Shiny application, as produced by webshot_shiny().


If the app image (img) is not found, and there is no default image in imgdir =, do we put it there (yes be default)?


The width of the image and iframe for the app.


The height of image and iframe.


The function to run as alternative to start the Shiny application locally. It is better to fully specify it (package::function), and it should take one argument which is the application name in app =.


Alternate text to display at the bottom of the screenshot when nothing is provided for fun =. If NULL, nothing is displayed below the screenshot.


Alternate text to display at the bottom of the screenshot in case fun = is provided.


Entry to use in the exercises table of content (NULL if no entry, "" for a default entry based on toc.def =).


Text for a default toc entry using glue() syntax for replacement, e.g., {app}.


The URL to use to start the Shiny application in RStudio server in the SciViews Box. It should generally end with ?runrcode=, and the R code to execute will be appended to it from run.arg =.


The command to use to launch the Shiny application in RStudio.


The URL encoded version of run.cmd =.


The image to display in front of the toc entry


The link when the image is clicked (sends to an help page about Shiny applications).


Not used here, but it allows to add more arguments used by the screenshot addin, like delay =, offsetx = or offsety =, see webshot_shiny().


The HTML content that creates the image and the iframe. The function must be called from within an R inline expression or from an R chunk with results='asis' in an HTML-rendered version of the R Markdown document to get the correct result.

See also


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